The Skype/Fring dustup and the importance of quick blog - and comment - response
Does Facebook Change a 25th High School Reunion?

One Day of Content Creation... 16 posts across 13 blogs

Lately I've been a wee bit frustrated by not writing as much as I have wanted to. As a writer, there's a bit of twisted dynamic that goes on inside your brain... it's almost like you MUST WRITE... or else you just feel, well... blah. I've been feeling that way a bit lately. With all the other responsibilities of life/work/etc, I haven't made enough time to write.

So as I went for my morning walk this morning I said to myself... "you know what, I'm going to write a post in ALL of my current blogs today." And then... so that I wouldn't back down, I posted that statement to my Facebook account. :-)

I knew it was going to be a crazy, busy work day as we're in the midst of preparing for a impending trade show, product launches, publicity campaigns, and everything else... but I said, "Perhaps I can squeeze some posts off during various moments of the day."

Turns out I was able to do it! Sure, not all of them were big or important posts... a few were longer and detailed... others were short posts or update - but hey, they were posts!

I also discovered in the process that what I think of as my "current" blogs consists of some 14 blogs (2 of which are actually podcasts). I hadn't actually counted for a while... so it was a useful exercise for that purpose. There's actually a few others where I could write, but I don't any more. In any event, it's actually quite a lot of area across which to spread my writing.

I'll have to do this again sometime... it was actually kind of fun.

To prove my statement, here's the list:

Personal Blogs

Disruptive Telephony (link)

Disruptive Conversations (link) (link)

Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks (link)

Advogato (link)

Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast (link)

Voxeo Blogs

Voxeo Talks (link)

Speaking of Standards (link)

Voxeo Developers Corner (link)

Unified Self-Service (link)

The Tropo Blog (link)

Behind The Blog (link)


Voice of VoIPSA

Current blogs I did NOT update

Emerging Tech Talk

Wellllll, this is actually a video podcast, so maybe I can escape on a technicality... but the truth is that I have the next episode queued up to be released with an impending announcement - and I have to wait for that. Putting up a show today would have meant either: 1) posting a show with an out-of-order sequence number; or 2) posting a show with the next number and then pulling down the queued show and re-rendering and re-uploading with a new show number. The amount of work with #2 didn't seem worth it and #1 is too strange for me.

As of today I am going to stop thinking of this as a "current blog". The reality is that I don't write there any more and I want to leave the current post there at the top so that people who do find the site know how to get to where I am currently writing.

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