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Prezi + ScreenFlow + YouTube = Video/Screencast Awesomeness!

What do you get when you combine a presentation done with Prezi and the screen capture tool ScreenFlow?

A pretty cool way to quickly create a video to tell a story!

This morning our Voxeo Labs team was working on launching a new application called "Tropo AGItate". They had a blog post, but it didn't really go far enough in telling the story of how this new service worked. So our CEO Jonathan Taylor, who has been experimenting a lot with Prezi lately, whipped up a quick Prezi to explain what happens. A group of us collectively tweaked it a small bit ... and then I launched ScreenFlow on my iMac, put Prezi in full-screen mode and recorded the presentation with a voiceover.

It did take me several takes to get the timing down right... but after that I simply went to the File menu in ScreenFlow, chose "Publish to YouTube...", filled out the video description fields... and a few minutes later the video was exported and uploaded to YouTube!

Super simple and easy! And we were pleased with the result:

(Warning to my marketing friends: This is from our Labs team and so is on the geekier side of things :-)

P.S. A tip to anyone who my try this kind of recording themselves... Prezi lets you advance using the right arrow key, so I didn't have to use my mouse at all.

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