How To Turn Off Sounds In The Facebook iPhone / iPad App
February 17, 2015
Do you want to turn off / disable the sounds that Facebook just added to the latest version of their iOS app for iPhone and iPad? If you are like me and find these kind of sounds associated with actions (such as "keyboard clicks") annoying, here's what you need to do.
1. Go Into The Settings Inside The App - First you need to tap on "More" in the lower right corner of the app and then tap on "Settings":
2. Go Into "Sounds" - Next tap on "Sounds":
3. Turn Off "In-App Sound" - Finally, just tap the slider to turn off the sounds.
Now, maybe you like these kind of sounds... but I personally don't. I'm the guy who turns off "keyboard clicks" because I do NOT want to hear a sound whenever I tap a key.
I don't want aural feedback.
Some of you may... and that's fine. I don't.
Someone at Facebook seemed to think that we all wanted this and so they added it in to one of the recent releases and... ta da... as soon as we updated the Facebook app on our iPhone or iPad we started getting clicks and swishes and other sounds.
This points to one of the larger issues with our new world of mobile "apps":
We are at the mercy of whatever the app developer wants to do.
If this were a browser-based "app" (a set of web pages), we could typically configure the browser to not play any sounds - and then all web pages would be subject to the settings in the web browser.
But we've left that land where the web browser serves as our window to content. Instead we have custom-designed apps where we have to figure out where the settings are in each of the different apps.
For instance, when the sounds first started in the Facebook app, I went into the generic "Settings" app in iOS to try to find out how to turn them off. I looked under:
- Sounds
- Notifications
and couldn't any settings in any of those places to turn it off. Only then did I tap on the "More" inside the Facebook app to see if there were any settings there.
Now... the good news is that at least Facebook gave us a control to turn the sounds off! They didn't have to and could have just made that a mandated part of the app.
But that's back to the point... for the convenience and simplicity of using a mobile app, we've surrendered control to the whims of the application developers.
I'm personally not really thrilled about that evolution of the mobile Internet, but it's hard to see how we walk back to a different path...
An audio commentary on this topic is also available:
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